Month: March 2015

  • Weekly Quotes 03.27.15

    “[RJCA] gives you the opportunity to reflect on your own actions and self, while giving you a second chance in the community.” – RJCA Past Participant “It felt really good to volunteer and see how my work had a positive influence throughout the surrounding neighborhoods.” – RJCA Past Participant

  • Weekly Quotes 03.20.15

    “I got the chance to meet some great people.” – RJCA Past Participant “This program really helps you out a lot in very difficult situations.” – RJCA Past Participant

  • Weekly Quotes 03.13.15

    “[Participating in this process allowed me to create a] connection to people, getting past seeing a person as a ‘John’, or perpetrator, and now as another human being – as all of us are. Takes down walls between us – and, I can apply that elsewhere in my life. This is no small feat… I…

  • Winter 2015 Community Gathering!

    Our end-of-winter gathering is here! The first night of our facilitator training this month will be a part of a larger conversation with experienced community members. We will delve into pressing community topics, while continuing to explore restorative practices with our neighbors. We cannot wait to see you there! Save the Date: Friday, March 27th…

  • Weekly Quote 03.06.15

    “I would recommend this program for participants or community members.” – RJCA Community Member “This program was quite helpful in understanding how my actions affect the community. The people I worked with were all very helpful as well.” – RJCA Past Participant